Slowak Proofmarks
The Slovenská Republika proof laws are a new as the country, some of the proofmarks from Czeckoslowakia are same in Slowak and Czech republics.
Thanks to Michal who sent me this information.
Proof Mark
Type of Proof

October 2014->
Single proof for signal, alarm and other signal arms.

October 2014->
Single proof for breech loaders with nitro powder

October 2014->
Single proof for muzzle loading guns with black powder

October 2014->
Single proof for muzzle laoding guns with black powder

October 2014->
Approval mark for guns

October 2014->
Controlled ammunition

October 2014->
Controlled powder

October 2014->
Final proof for breech loading guns with nitro powder, according to SKTC-112

October 2014->
Reproof for breech loading gun

October 2014->
Single verification signal, tranquilizer weapons and expansion of weapons and equipment

October 2014->

October 2014->
Type checking of ammunition for gas guns

October 2014->
Single verification firearms breech loader with a smooth bore, the use of smokeless powder

October 2014->
Single verification shotguns - higher test

October 2014->
Identification mark for Czech rehearsal firearms and ammunition Prague

October 2014->
New piece verification of all types of firearms

October 2014->
Single verification firearms rechargeable behind, rifled bore for the use of smokeless powder

October 2014->
Approval of expansion arms and expansion devices

October 2014->
Approval of expansion arms and expansion devices

October 2014->
Type checking Propellants
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Last updated: 2015-03-18