German Trade Marks on guns
Gebrüder Merkel, Suhl
Gebrüder Merkel 1898-1947, 1992->
Also used on guns made by VEB Ernst Thälemann 1947-1992.

VEB Ernst Thälemann, Suhl
Gebrüder Merkel branded gun made by VEB Ernst Thälemann Werke in East Germany 1947 to 1992:
 TW stands for VEB Thälemann Werke
Please note that TW is still used by Merkel Jagd und Sport Waffen but nowdays it means Thüringen Wald. Merkel Jagd und Sport Waffen makes guns under the names: Merkel, Simson and Henael.
Emil Eckoldt, Suhl
Emil Eckoldt Suhl, Schlageterstrasse 57. Started as gunamker 1876 and was active until 1928 when the firm was taken over by Emil&Hugo Eckoldt and Robert Schilling. Trademark: EE in a heart.
Oscar Merkel, Suhl
Oscar Merkel & Co. Trademark: MERCO.
Simson, Suhl
1900-1940 Suhl. Trademark: Three “S” in a pyramid, or “Astoria”.

Simson was confiscated 1940 to become a division within Gustloff Werke in Suhl untill 1947.
1947-1969 it was VEB Fahrzeug- und Gerätewerk Simson in DDR before it became a part of VEB Ernst Thälemann Werke. With VEB Fahrzeug- und Gerätewerk Simson was also the remains of Jagd und Sportgewehrfabrik Hermann Weihrauch and C.G. Henael.
Today its a part of Merkel Jagd und Sport Waffen.
Friedrich Willhelm Heym, Suhl
1891-1905, located in Suhl. Trademark: FH as picture:

JP Sauer & Sohn Suhl
1754 -1946 located in Suhl. Trademark a double S and a standing man.

JP Sauer & Sohn Eckernförde
From 1951 located in Eckernförde. Trademark a double double S and a standing man.

GECO was founded in Hamburg, Germany by Gustav Grenschow.
George Carl Dornhiem was a West Germany importer/exporter and used the trade name Gecado
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Senast uppdaterad/Last update: 2012-01-12