1900 - First World War
The following list of models that I have found in old catalogs and the book about Sauer & Sohn. The list is not even close to be complete in any way.
Hammer guns
Generally Sauer & Sohn always used back actions locks, even up to the last models.
Model Falke
Not much known by me.... Minimal engraving, engraved with a falcon - hence it’s name
Model I or 1

Caliber 12, 16 & 20 Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt with dolls head, toplever The lockplate goes a bit forward of the shells. Barrels made of Kruppschem Fluss-Stahl.
Very plain engraving.
Model II or 2

Caliber 12, 16 & 20 Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt with Greener crossbolt, toplever The lockplate goes a bit forward of the shells Barrels made of Kruppschem Fluss-Stahl.
Very plain arabesque engraving.
Model III or 3
As m/2 but as cape gun / combination gun. Rifle barrel in 8-11 mm caliber, for blackpowder.
Model IV or 4
As m/3 and m/2 - with two barrels: one for shot, one cape gun.
Model V or 5

As m/2 but as with better engraving and better wood quality.
Model VI or 6
As m/3 but as with better engraving and better wood quality. Rifle barrel of Kruppchen Guss-Stahl, shot barrels of Kruppchen Fluss-Stahl.
Model VII or 7
As m/7 but with two barrels: one for shot, one cape gun.
Hammerless Boxlocks
Model VIII or 8

Mod 8 is an old model, that have had some development over the years.
Mod 8 had overlaying sear that works on the tumbler somewhere in the period 1908 to 1912. Before that period the sear was placed under the tumblers as the original Anson-Deeley patent.
Caliber 12, 16 & 20 Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt with dollshead (1907), Greener crossbolt (approx 1920), action has ears (approx 1935), toplever Barrels made of Kruppschem Fluss-Stahl.
Modell IX (9)
As m/8 as cape gun Caliber 12, 16 & 20 and with rifle barrel caliber 8-9 or 11mm (for black powder) Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt with dollshead (1907), Greener crossbolt (approx 1920), action has ears (approx 1935), toplever Barrels made of Kruppschem Fluss-Stahl.
Modell X (10)
As m/8 as shotgun and cape gun with two sets of barrels Caliber 12, 16 & 20 and with rifle barrel caliber 8-9 or 11mm (for black powder) Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt with dollshead (1907), toplever Barrels made of Kruppschem Fluss-Stahl.
Modell XI (11)

Caliber 12, 16 & 20 Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt Greener crossbolt, action with safety interceptor, toplever Barrels made of Kruppschem Fluss-Stahl.
Better engraving, better wood - in short better quality than m/8.
Modell XII (12)
As m/11 as cape gun.
Modell XIII (13)
As m/11 as shot gun and cape gun with two sets of barrels.
Modell XIV (14)

Caliber 12, 16 & 20 Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt Greener crossbolt, action with safety interceptor and ears, toplever Barrels made of Kruppschem Fluss-Stahl.
Better engraving, better wood - in short better quality than m/11.
Modell XV (15)
As m/15 as cape gun.
Modell XVI (16)
As m/15 as shot gun and cape gun with two sets of barrels.
Modell XVII (17)

As m/15 equipped with ejectors.
Modell XVIII (18)

Meisterstück (Masterpiece) version of m/15.
Modell XIX (19)

“Förster drilling”
Caliber 12, 16 & 20 and rifle barrel 8 to 11 mm (black powder) Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt with dolls head, underlever opening, toplever to choose barrels. Barrels made of Kruppschem Fluss-Stahl.
Very plain engraving.
Modell XX (20)
As m/19 but with diopter sight on top strap, better engraving, better wood.
Modell XXI (21)

Caliber 12, 16 & 20 and rifle barrel 8 to 11 mm (black powder) Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt with Greener crossbolt, toplever opening, barrel selector on top strap. Barrels made of Kruppschem Fluss-Stahl.
Modell XXII (22)

As m/21 but made as a Meisterstuck (masterpiece).
Modell XXIII (23)

As m/21 but with two rifle barrels and one shotgun barrel.
Modell XXIV (24)

Caliber 12, 16 & 20 and rifle barrel 8 to 11 mm (black powder) Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt with Greener crossbolt, toplever opening, barrel selector on sidelever (also to cock rifle barrels lock). Shot barrels made of Kruppschem Fluss-Stahl, rifle barrels.
Modell XXV (25)

As m/24 but with Greener crossbolt
Modell XXVI (26)

As m/25 but as Meisterwerk
Modell XXVII (27)

Double rifle combination gun
Pigeon Guns / Taubenflinten
Modell XXVIII (28)

Caliber 12 Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt with Greener crossbolt and sideclips on breech, toplever opening. Shot barrels made of Kruppschem Fluss-Stahl
Modell XXIX (29)

Caliber 12 Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt with Greener crossbolt and sideclips on breech, toplever opening. Shot barrels made of Kruppschem Fluss-Stahl Made as above and with ejector.
Modell XXX (30)

Caliber 8mm to 11mm black powder Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt with dolls head, toplever opening.
Modell XXXI (31)

As m/30 but with rib and round barrel and better engraving.
Modell Tell (1896-1936 )

Roux system with under lever Calibers: Tell 1: 13mm shot. Tell 2: 6mm Winchester (22 Short) Tell 3: 6mm Winchester (22 Winchester Central Fire) Tell 4: 8mm centralfire (32 Winchester) Tell 5: 9x57R/360, note: not 9,3x57R based on the famous m/88 cartridge!
Double rifles
Modell XXXII (32)

Caliber 8mm to 11mm black powder Prince of Wales grip with cheek piece. Purdey double sliding bolt with Greeners crossbolt, toplever opening.
Modell XXXIII (33)

As above but with magazine in stock for 4 cartridges and equipped with diopter sight.
Modell XXXIV (34)

m/14 as a double rifle.
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Senast uppdaterad/Last update: 2011-04-25